วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Where can I find Chinese food recipes with picture?

I'd like to learn to cook Chinese food. Recipe with pictire will help a lot.

I found this site is interesting: http://bizchinatown.com/recipes. It lists about 300 popular Chinese food recipes. Each recipe has a color picture.


There are hundreds of delicious Chinese food,you can choose what you like most.After the meal,you can drink some tea or play cards in the hall.I'm sure you will strongly feel the different culture when you have been there.the site is www.blacklatinmeet.com http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20060630215759AANeSQs&kid=ALBXDkvcL3eHpt7XiBVa&s=comm&date=2008-07-09+00%3A20%3A14&.crumb=

Howdy there, you can try this site it is my fav


There are 15000 different types of each food you can imagine. You can also try foodnetwork.com they have a ton too

Hope this helps :-)

yahoo and google image search

in china...

